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Tips on how to clean using the ”S” pattern

category Cleaning By Tandy Primo

Avoid cleaning in a circular motion- what you are actually doing is taking a clean cloth and wiping the surface around and around which mean you are just spreading the dirt as you go along, you’re taking your dirty cloth right back on the clean surafce. Doing this you’ll keep getting streaks, getting marks and you are working way harder than you need to, which means you will not be getting the results that you desire.

Instead, when using the S pattern, you would start from the top right-hand corner of the surface, wipe all the way to the left then move your hand from right to left all the way down to end of the surface. The S pattern really changes the way you clean, you get fewer streaks, you’ll be working about half as hard as you would and you’re getting results .

The next time you are cleaning try avoid cleaning a surface in a circular motion and try cleaning using the S pattern and watch how quick and better your cleaning becomes.